
Поиск по этому блогу

вторник, 27 ноября 2012 г.

The fisherman and the fish. Part VIII

The fisherman and the fish. Part VIII

1. Revise the words from the unit"The Weather".

2. Listen to the new words and repeat them.    

3. Watch the wideo.

4. Listen to the fairy tale and read it with the announcer.

5. Find english eqwivalents.

 6. Find and underline the sentenses about the weather.

7. Answer the questions.


1. Does the fish come back?

2. How  does the old man feel?

3. What does he see when he comes home?


8. Do the exercises.


9. Listen to the song and sing it.

The fisherman and the fish. Part VII

The fisherman and the fish. Part VII


1. Revise the words from the unit"The Weather".

2. Listen to the new words and repeat them.

      storm                    thunder                   a flash of lightning                  wet

3. Watch the video.

4. Listen to the fairy tale and read it with the announcer.

the fisherman and the fish part VII

5. Find English equivalents.

1) Что я могу сделать для Вас?
2) Я хочу быть королевой Земли и Морей!
3) Хочу,чтобы золотая рыбка была мне слугой.
4) На море сильный шторм.
5) Там сильный гром.
6) Внезапно сверкает молния.
7) Он выглядит очень грустно.

6.a) What can I do for you?
b) He looks very sad.
c) I want to be Queen of the Land and Sea!
d) I want the golden fish to be my servant. 
e) There is abig storm at sea.
f) There is alot of thunder.
g) Suddenly, there is a big flash of lightning.

6. Answer the questions.

1.What does the queen want?

2. How is the weather?

3. What does the fisherman look like?


7. Find and underline the sentenses about the weather.

8. Match the sentenses to the pictures.

9. Make a story about:

the weather, the fisherman, Queen of the Land.

10. Act out the dialogue.

11. Do the exercises.

12. Listen to the song and sing it.

the song VII 

13. Homework:    p.68-69; p.70-learn the song


The fisherman and the fish. Part VI

The fisherman and the fish. Part VI

1. Listen to the fairy tale and read it with the announcer.

2. Answer the questions.

1.What is the wife doing?
2. Is she happy?
3. What does she look like?

3. Do the exercises.



The fisherman and the fish. Part V

The fisherman and the fish. Part V

1. Listen to the tale and read it with the announcer.

2. Answer the questions.

1. How is the weather?
2. What does the wife want to be?
3. What does the fisherman see?
4. What is his wife doing?
5. What are the guards doing?

 3. Find the sentences in the present continuous tence.

4. Do the exercises.

5. Listen to the song and sing it. 

The fisherman and the fish. Part IV

The fisherman and the fish. Part IV

1. Listen to the fairy tale and try to read it with the announcer. 

The fisherman’s wife is still very angry. “You are a fool!” she shouts and stamps her feet. “We are poor. I want to be rich! Go back and tell the fish!”
The poor fisherman goes back to the sea. The sky is grey and the old man is sad. He calls the fish and it swims up to him. “Please don’t be angry, dear fish,” says the fisherman. “My wife wants to be rich.”
“OK.  You can have your wish. Go home now,” says the fish and swims away. The fisherman goes home. Now his house is big and beautiful. His wife is wearing new clothes and a lot of jewellery. “I hope you are happy now,” says the fisherman. But she does not answer. She sends him to live in the stable!

2. Answer the questions.

1) Is the wife angry?
2) Does she shout?
3) Does she stamp her feet?
4) Does she want to be poor?
5) How is the weather?
6) Does the fisherman go back to the sea?

3. Do the test. 

4. listen to the song and sing it.

The fisherman and the fish. Part III

The fisherman and the fish. Part III

1. Watch  the film.

 2. Listen to the fairy tale and try to read it with the announcer.

The fisherman’s wife is very angry. “You are a fool!” she shouts. ”We need a new house, too! Go back and ask a fish for a house!” The fisherman goes back for a sea. The sun is shining, but there are clouds in the sky. He calls the golden fish again. “I’m sorry, dear fish,” says the fisherman. “My wife wants a new house, too.” “OK. You can have your wish. Go home now,” says the fish and swims away.
The fisherman goes home and sees a beautiful, new cottage. He is very happy!

3. Answer the questions.

1. Has  the fisherman's wife got a new bucket?
2. Has the fisherman got a new boat?
3. has the fisherman's wife got a new house? 

4. Do the test

5. Listen to the song and sing it.  

The fisherman and the fish. Part II

The fisherman and the fish. Part II

1. Listen to the tale and try to read it after the announcer. 

The fisherman goes home. He tells his wife about the fish. “You are a fool!”she shouts. “We need a new bucket! This one is old and dirty! Go back and ask the fish for a bucket!”
So the fisherman goes back to the sea. The sun is shining. He calls the golden fish. It swims up to the fisherman. “What do you want, good man?”it asks.
“My wife wants a new bucket,” says the old man.
“OK. You can have your wish. Go home now,” says the fish and swims away.
The fisherman goes home and sees a shiny new bucket. He is very happy!

 2. Answer the questions.

1. What does the fisherman's wife want?
2. How is the weather?
3. What does he see when he comes home? 

3. Listen to the song and sing it.

the song II 

4. Find the forms of the werb TO BE in the text. 

5. Do the test. 

to be